Washoe County Children’s Mental Health Consortium
Influencing and Improving Behavioral Healthcare for Washoe County’s youth and their families
Equitable access to compassionate and comprehensive mental health services and supports within our community

Increase access to compassionate care in the least restrictive environment.

Decrease and/or buffer children and youth’s exposure to toxic stress.

Increase child, youth, and family access to positive community-based experiences.
Nevada Revised Statute (NRS 433B) established Mental Health Consortia in each of three Mental Health Service/Child Welfare/Juvenile Justice jurisdictions in Nevada. The functions of the Consortia are to assess the need for mental and behavioral health services for children up to 18 years of age, assess how well the current system is meeting the need in the community, and develop an annual plan on how the need can be better met.
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
SafePlace Hotline: 1-800-536-4588
OR TEXT “SAFE” and current location to 4HELP (44357) to access a Children’s Cabinet Case Manager and a safe place
SafeVoice: 1-833-216-SAFE(7233) http://safevoicenv.org
Email: wccmhconsortium@gmail.com